
Amanda Mininger

Dear Aaron Swartz:

Sorry. I’m two days late to the Day of Hacktivism in your honor. Except I’m not a hacker and I’ve only just learned about you.

Some things I’m thinking about:

You don’t know me. I’m not your demographic. I’m usually about 10 years behind in technology. In fact, most technology and electronic-based anything bewilders me; just ask my colleagues. I don’t know why people want that level of noise in their lives, or why the urge to constantly “share” is awesome. Then again, you said in one of your blog posts that you don’t like to exclude anyone, so maybe you and I would have had something to talk about after all.

I don’t know you. All I know are the stories and anecdotes from the superb documentary that was made about you, The Internet’s Own Boy, given by your friends and family and colleagues and…

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I’m Wide Awake

My intentions were to update this a few months ago. Blogging just feels different now, I feel very protective of my private life and the people in it. You won’t find me updating about my latest outing or trying to show the world that I’m having a blast. It’s pretentious, artificial and it seems to be the latest craze on every social network. It wasn’t always this way. So, in remembrance of that I will keep this blog simple and real. It will mostly be random thoughts and/ or photos. However, If you would like more personal updates, you can call me. I’m always up for a long chat about love, life and everything thereafter.

Moving on…

This past year has been eye-opening. I’m grateful for those dark times and the wonderful people who helped me get through it. It’s the quote below that helped me realize the truth. It was in fact, a humbling experience, and I am still working on the damage.
